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NetEnt signs agreement with Swedish ATG
Today NetEnt, a leading game provider in digital casino market signed an agreement to supply ATG with their games as the new Swedish regulation of the gaming market takes effect on January 1st, 2019.
We have earlier been writing about ATG and their position at the horse market and their thinkings of the upcoming regulation from 2019.
ATG´s primary operation is within horse racing and now at the re-regulated market staring the 1st of January 2019 they will also offer online gaming in the casino area. ATG is the largest operator in Sweden on horse racing and will also be one of the largest gaminng operators on the re-regulated market in Sweden. ATG was founded in 1974 and the company is owned by the Swedish Trotting Association and the Swedish Jockey Club.
Henrik Fagerlund, MD NetEnt Malta Ltd. and Chief Product Officer of NetEnt comments: “I am very proud that we are partnering up with ATG for the new Swedish regulated market. ATG has a very strong brand in Sweden, and with our experience in online casino and regulated markets I am confident that we can support ATG in their ambitions to grow outside of horse racing.”
With NetEnt as a provider for ATG they will be sure to deliver an exciting casino experience to their customers. NetEnt signs the agreement today and we will expect that the games are available at ATG´s site the 1st of January 2019.