Coin values

Coin values and how to calculate

If you’ve played slot machines before, you’ve probably noticed that there are up to three different options that defines your bet. Coin value, betting level och betting lines. When you play, you choose a coin value which will be your index value.

Even though it sounds very easy, this does NOT mean that if you set the coin value to €0.10, every spin will be worth €0.10. There are other factors that influences how much your bet will be. Like how many lines you are playing. Let’s say if you are playing 3 lines your bet will be €0.30.

Easier in Roulette or Black Jack

Coin values are actually only complicated when playing slots. If you are playing Roulette or Black Jack your bet is always equal to your coin value.

Before you start spinning, always check at the bottom of the machine how much your actual bet will be. It is always conventiently calculated for you.

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